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Amaranta Martinez
May 15, 2023
Beautifying a school as a community
In collaboration with United Way and the dedicated volunteers from the Rialto team, I had the privilege of creating a captivating mural...

Amaranta Martinez
May 5, 2023
Working with Hugo Boss
As a local female Latina artist, I had the amazing opportunity to work with Hugo Boss for their Miami Dolphins collection, customizing...

Amaranta Martinez
Apr 14, 2023
I created my first painting with AR
I had the incredible opportunity to collaborate with The Rising Star Foundation, an organization dedicated to empowering neurodiverse...

Amaranta Martinez
Apr 6, 2023
MIAMI NFT - Talking about my creative journey
Last week, I had the privilege of attending Miami NFT Week, an incredible event that brought together artists, creators, and enthusiasts...

Amaranta Martinez
Mar 13, 2023
Speaking at Code Art Fest at the Idea Center
The Idea Center recently hosted an exciting event called Code Art Fest, where artists in the web3 space were invited to share their...

Amaranta Martinez
Mar 8, 2023
Vital Voices Miami Mentoring Walk
I was invited to be part of the Miami Mentoring Walk in Miami Beach. It was so exciting to be there speaking about my journey in WEB3....

Amaranta Martinez
Mar 6, 2023
BeInCrypto: Mujeres que marcan tendencia en la Web3
Después de involucrarme a comienzos del 2022 en el ecosistema Web3 ha sido un camino intenso y maravilloso de recorrer. Es lindo que te...

Amaranta Martinez
Feb 15, 2023
Armani Exchange flew me during the Super Bowl!
Working with Armani Exchange was a surreal experience that I will always cherish. I couldn't believe that they flew me out to Arizona...

Amaranta Martinez
Apr 5, 2022
Speaking at NFT Miami Week!
On April 2nd, I had the pleasure to talk on the main stage @ NFT Miami Week. It was an incredible event full of art, knowledge, and...

Amaranta Martinez
Mar 25, 2022
My First NFT Collection!
I am so honored to have done my first NFT Collection for a community like Web3 Equity. I became part of a team of passionate and driven...

Amaranta Martinez
Jan 6, 2022
Mapa de los sueños 2022
Esto es algo que llevo años haciendo y es impresionante cómo se cumplen las metas cuando trabajamos duro y manifestamos 💆🏻♀️ No sólo...

Amaranta Martinez
Jan 4, 2022
⭐️ Superama Recommends ⭐️ PRODUCTIVITY BOOKS
This month I want to recommend 5 books that helped me to be more productive. They have inspired me to keep thinking about what really...

Amaranta Martinez
Sep 1, 2021
¡Tenemos Podcast 100% en Español!
Estoy muy feliz y mi estado de emoción se debe a que finalmente nuestras salas de Clubhouse se convirtieron en Podcast. Este podcast nace...

Amaranta Martinez
Jul 31, 2021
⭐️ Superama Recommends ⭐️ INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS
This month I want to recommend 5 books that I've read in the past year. These books have helped me a lot in my professional and personal...

Amaranta Martinez
Jul 17, 2021
Speaker at Open Mic 5x5 Venprendedoras Event
Last June I talked about productivity at "5x5 Open Mic". This online event, conducted by Caro Piña, was organized by Venprendedoras, a...

Amaranta Martinez
Jul 10, 2021
Creative Summer Camp
Recently I had the chance to teach a course about creativity to children between the ages of 8 and 10 here in Miami. Thanks to a mother...

Amaranta Martinez
May 31, 2021
"Make your ideas happen" My first online course of 2021!
I had the opportunity to create a workshop (in Spanish) along with Andrea Ospina, an expert in creativity, called "How to make your ideas...

Amaranta Martinez
May 7, 2021
Hello Michelle! Hello Fears!
I had the chance to celebrate with the author, the first anniversary of her successful book Hello Fears. Michelle Poler is a very...

Amaranta Martinez
Mar 1, 2021
No hay que dejar de soñar
Este mes fui entrevistada por Willy Martin para su programa EVtips en EVTV. Una plataforma online que se encarga de resaltar el trabajo...

Amaranta Martinez
Jan 26, 2021
Mom, Dad! I want an Emmy!
I'm excited to announce that my preschool project Pin Pan Pum received an Emmy® Award in the category of Graphic Arts for the Open of the...

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