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Amaranta Martinez
Mar 25, 2022
My First NFT Collection!
I am so honored to have done my first NFT Collection for a community like Web3 Equity. I became part of a team of passionate and driven...

Amaranta Martinez
Jan 15, 2022
My work featured in a mall in China
This is the most exciting news I've received this year so far. My work was part of a Grand Opening mall in a city in China called...

Amaranta Martinez
Jan 6, 2022
Mapa de los sueños 2022
Esto es algo que llevo años haciendo y es impresionante cómo se cumplen las metas cuando trabajamos duro y manifestamos 💆🏻♀️ No sólo...

Amaranta Martinez
Jan 4, 2022
⭐️ Superama Recommends ⭐️ PRODUCTIVITY BOOKS
This month I want to recommend 5 books that helped me to be more productive. They have inspired me to keep thinking about what really...

Amaranta Martinez
Sep 1, 2021
¡Tenemos Podcast 100% en Español!
Estoy muy feliz y mi estado de emoción se debe a que finalmente nuestras salas de Clubhouse se convirtieron en Podcast. Este podcast nace...

Amaranta Martinez
Jul 17, 2021
Speaker at Open Mic 5x5 Venprendedoras Event
Last June I talked about productivity at "5x5 Open Mic". This online event, conducted by Caro Piña, was organized by Venprendedoras, a...

Amaranta Martinez
May 7, 2021
Hello Michelle! Hello Fears!
I had the chance to celebrate with the author, the first anniversary of her successful book Hello Fears. Michelle Poler is a very...

Amaranta Martinez
Mar 1, 2021
No hay que dejar de soñar
Este mes fui entrevistada por Willy Martin para su programa EVtips en EVTV. Una plataforma online que se encarga de resaltar el trabajo...

Amaranta Martinez
Jan 26, 2021
Mom, Dad! I want an Emmy!
I'm excited to announce that my preschool project Pin Pan Pum received an Emmy® Award in the category of Graphic Arts for the Open of the...

Amaranta Martinez
May 18, 2019
If you seen the other posts in my blog, you already know by now that Bunniecakes have been my client for over 10 years. The owner Mariana...

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